The # sign indicates that this statement is an instruction for the pre-compiler.

Funny headmaster

Mom: "Hurry up or you will be late for school."

Son: "I don't want to go. The teachers hate me and the kids despise me. Why should I go?"

Mom: "Because you are 42 years old and you're the headmaster."

Chapter 2 The .EXE Solution


Include necessary header files.

#include <alloc.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <stdio.h>

Actually, your compiler goes through your program several times as it compiles the program. Before it attempts to translate any code, it simply looks for # signs and makes any substitutions in the program that are required by the statements that follow.

The #define directive defines a macro. For example:

#define MAIN_CLASS "MyFrame.jar"

The malloc() method allocates a block of bytes from the memory heap. It allows a program to allocate memory explicitly, as it is needed, and in the exact amounts needed. The heap is used for dynamic allocation of variable-sized blocks of memory.

char* cmdline = (char*)malloc(1024 );
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