Server Implementation

Listing 11.2 (Complete code)

java.rmi.*; import java.rmi.server.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.border.*; import java.util.*; //server class public class RemoteServerImpl extends UnicastRemoteObject implements ServerInterface { //instance variables private JButton btnSend; private JTextArea txtReceive,txtPass; private ClientInterface client; //vector used to store messages private Vector messages = new Vector(); private ThreadHandler run; //constructor public RemoteServerImpl() throws RemoteException{ System.out.println("Creating remote object"); this.setup(); this.bindIt(); this.startThread(); } //{{Method block}}// //method to create various components private void setup(){ //create a frame JFrame frame = new JFrame("Remote Server"); //get the content pane object Container cp = frame.getContentPane(); //panel for buttons JPanel btnPanel = new JPanel(); //text area for messages received. txtReceive = new JTextArea(15,45); //set the border of text area txtReceive.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder( "Messages Received")); txtReceive.setEditable(false); //text area for typing messages. txtPass = new JTextArea(5,45); txtPass.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder( "Type your message here")); //button used to send a message btnSend = new JButton("Send Message"); btnSend.addActionListener(new ButtonHandler()); JScrollPane cPane = new JScrollPane(txtReceive), sPane = new JScrollPane(txtPass); //add all the components btnPanel.add(btnSend); cp.add(cPane,BorderLayout.NORTH); cp.add(sPane,BorderLayout.CENTER); cp.add(btnPanel,BorderLayout.SOUTH); //set default close operation frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); //pack the frame and show it frame.pack();; //set focus txtPass.requestFocus(); } //method used to bind the server private void bindIt(){ try{ Naming.rebind("Server",this); }catch(Exception ex){ txtReceive.append(ex.getMessage()); } } //method used to register the client. It gets a reference //to the remote client that is used to identify the client. public String getRegistered(ClientInterface ci) throws RemoteException{ client = ci; txtReceive.append("Registered a remote client"); return "Registered"; } //remote method used to post a message to the //server. public void passMessage(String message) throws RemoteException { txtReceive.append(message); } //method used to start the thread private void startThread(){ messages = new Vector(); run = new ThreadHandler(); Thread th = new Thread(run); th.start(); } //main method creates an instance of the //remote object implementation class public static void main(String args[]){ try{ RemoteServerImpl obj = new RemoteServerImpl(); }catch(Exception ex){ System.out.println(ex.getMessage()); } }

//{{Private classes}}/// //event handling class. private class ButtonHandler implements ActionListener{ //method invoked when the button is pressed public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae){ //add the message to vector messages.add(txtPass.getText()); txtPass.setText(""); txtPass.requestFocus(); //method used to notify the waiting thread run.wakeUp(); } } // Class used to handle threading private class ThreadHandler implements Runnable { //method used to notify the waiting thread public synchronized void wakeUp(){ notifyAll(); } //method used to pass messages to remote client public synchronized void submit() throws Exception{ if(messages.size()<1){ //no data available please wait wait(); } else{ try{ for(int i=0;i<messages.size();i++){ client.passMessage("\n" + messages.elementAt(0)); messages.removeElementAt(0); } }catch(Exception ex){ wait(); } } } public void run(){ while(true){ try{ submit(); }catch(Exception ex){ txtReceive.append(ex.getMessage()); } } } } }


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