Listing 12.4 Client.html

	action ="http://localhost:8080/servlet/ClientServlet.class">
<INPUT TYPE="Text" name="username">
<INPUT TYPE="submit" value="Click me">

The source code for this application is over.

Preparing for deployment

Create a directory:

  • Server

Copy the following files to the "Server" directory:

  • ServerHandlerInterface.class
  • ServerHandlerImpl.class
  • ServerHandlerImpl_Skel.class
  • ServerHandlerImpl_Stub.class

You will deploy the above files on the server machine.

Copy the files to the deployment directory

Copy the "Server" directory into the web documents directory of web server (JaveWebServer\public_html). Copy the Client.html file to JaveWebServer\public_html directory. Copy the following files into the servlets directory of the web server (JavaWebServer\servlets):

  • ServerHandlerInterface.class
  • ServerHandlerImpl_Stub.class
  • ClientServlet.class


Starting the Java Web Server



Starting the Server Application

c:\JavaWebServer\public_html\Server> java ServerHandlerImpl

If the server is successfully started, it will print the messages "Creating server object".




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