The Policy file

Listing 13.5

grant {

The code for this example is complete.

How to compile and run this program

Compile Class Files

I am assuming that all source files are in a directory named "Lazy". Compile the source files using the command line:

c:\Lazy> javac *.java


Create Stub and Skeleton classes using RMIC

c:\Lazy> rmic LazyServerImpl


Start the Registry service

c:\Lazy> start rmiregistry


c:\Lazy> rmiregistry


Start the activation daemon


You can view the Runrmid.bat file in the examples\Lazy directory to get help.

Run the setup

java -Djava.rmi.server.codebase=file:/c:/Lazy/ Setup

You can view the RunSetup.bat file in the examples\Lazy directory to get help.

Run the client

java Client

You can view the Runclient.bat file in the examples\Lazy directory to get help.

The result should be:





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