The MDI Class

This class is used to create the main window of our application.

Listing 16.2

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.rmi.*;

//Main form MDI
public class MDI extends JFrame{
  Container cp=null;
  JDesktopPane dp=null;
  public static MDI mdi=null;
  private static DatabaseInterface server;
  public MDI(){
	super("Student Information System");		
	//get a content pane object.
	cp = getContentPane();
	//Create a new JDesktopPane object.
	//A JDesktopPane object is used 
	//to create a multiple-document 
	//interface or a virtual desktop. 
	dp = new JDesktopPane();
	//add the JDesktopPane object 
	//to the content pane.
	//set the background color 
	//of the JDesktopPane object.
	//Set the operation that will 
	//happen by default when 
	//the user initiates a "close" 
	//on this frame		
  //method used to get a reference to the remote object.
  private void setup(){
	//method used to create various components
	//method used to set the size of the MDI form
	//Make the Window visible.
	  //Get a reference to the remote object 
	  //associated with the specified name.
	  server = (DatabaseInterface)Naming.lookup("DatabaseServer");
	}catch(Exception ex){
  //This method returns a reference to the remote object
  public static DatabaseInterface getServerObject(){
	return server;

//Method used to create menu bar, menus, and menu items. private void createMenuComponents(){ //create a menu bar object. JMenuBar mBar = new JMenuBar(); //create a menu object JMenu mnuForms = SwingComp.createMenu(mBar,"Forms"); //create an object to handle action events MenuHandler mHandler = new MenuHandler(); //create a menu item object JMenuItem itmStudent = SwingComp.createMenuItems(mnuForms,mHandler,"Student"); //Set the menubar for this frame. this.setJMenuBar(mBar); } //method used to the set size of MDI private void setMDISize(){ //get the default toolkit //to interact with operating system Toolkit tk=Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); //Get the size of the screen. Dimension d = tk.getScreenSize(); int screenHeight = d.height; int screenWidth = d.width; //set the size of window this.setSize(screenWidth,screenHeight); } //main method static public void main(String args[]){ mdi= new MDI(); } //{{Listener class private class MenuHandler implements ActionListener{ //Invoked when an action occurs. public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae){ //create a StudentForm object. StudentForm sf = new StudentForm(); //method used to show an internal frame showForms(sf); } } //Method used to show an internal frame private void showForms(JInternalFrame jif){ dp.add(jif,JLayeredPane.DEFAULT_LAYER); try{ //show the internal frame window; //Select the JInternalFrame. jif.setSelected(true); }catch(java.beans.PropertyVetoException ex){ JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( mdi,ex.getLocalizedMessage()); } } }


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