Client ImplementationThe client in this example remotely invokes the getMessage() method in order to get the string "Hello World". Here is the code: Listing 3.3 ( java.rmi.*; import; //Client implementation public class HelloClient { //main method public static void main(String []helloClient) { try{ //get a reference to the stub HelloInterface server = (HelloInterface)Naming.lookup("rmi://localhost:1099/Server"); //Call the remote method String msg = server.getMessage(); System.out.println(msg); }catch(RemoteException ex) { System.out.println("Error " +ex.getMessage()); }catch(MalformedURLException ex) { System.out.println("Error " +ex.getMessage()); } catch(NotBoundException ex) { System.out.println("Error " +ex.getMessage()); } } } Explanation of CodeImport the necessary packages. import
java.rmi.*; The client does not need to extend UnicastRemoteObject or implement any remote interface unless it is also exporting some objects. Here is the HelloClient class declaration: public class HelloClient { This client will run as a stand alone application so it must declare a main() method. public static void main(String []helloClient) { try{ //get a reference to the stub HelloInterface server = (HelloInterface)Naming.lookup("rmi://localhost:1099/Server"); //Call the remote method String msg = server.getMessage(); System.out.println(msg); }catch(RemoteException ex) { System.out.println("Error " +ex.getMessage()); }catch(MalformedURLException ex) { System.out.println("Error " +ex.getMessage()); } catch(NotBoundException ex) { System.out.println("Error " +ex.getMessage()); } } First, the client gets a reference to the remote object implementation from the server(s) registry. The Naming.lookup() method takes a URL-formatted string. It returns a stub, for the remote object associated with the specified name. The lookup() method may throw a number of exceptions:
HelloInterface server = (HelloInterface)Naming.lookup("Server"); After execution of the above statement, the variable "server" will contain a reference to an instance of the stub class that actually handles the client side RMI. Now the client can invoke methods on the remote object. String msg = server.getMessage(); Finally, the program prints "HelloWorld" returned by the server. System.out.println(msg); The code for this example is complete. Figure 3.3 |
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