and Skeleton Interfaces
Remote Stub class
This java.rmi.server.RemoteStub class
is the super class for stubs of remote objects.
RemoteRef Interface
The java.rmi.server.RemoteRef interface
represents a reference for a remote object. To carry out a remote method
invocation, the stub uses a remote reference. This interface is not
normally used by programmers using RMI but rather by those implementing
their own RMI system.
- public String getRefClass(ObjectOutput
out) - This method returns the class name of the reference
type to be serialized onto the stream "out".
- public Object invoke(Remote
obj, Method method, Object[] params, long opnum) - This method
delegates method invocation to the stub(s) remote reference.
- public boolean remoteEquals(RemoteRef
obj) - This method may be used to compare two remote objects.
- public int remoteHashCode()
- This method returns a hash code for a remote object.
- public String remoteToString()
- This method returns a string representation of the remote object.
ServerRef Interface
It represents the server-side handle for a remote object.
- public RemoteStub exportObject(Remote
obj, Object data) - This method creates a client stub object
for the specified remote object.
- public String getClientHost()
- This method returns the hostname of client.
In Java, garbage collector automatically releases memory resources
when they are no longer being used. The RMI system uses a reference
counting garbage collection algorithm.