Determinants of Personality in Organisational Behaviour


Cultural Factors: The accepted norms of social behaviour are known as culture. Culture was traditionally considered as the major determinant of an individual's personality.

The way in which people behave with others and the driving force of such functions are considered significant components of culture. The ideology of the culture is imitated by the following generations. The personality attributes of independence, aggression, competition and cooperation are the outcomes of cultural interaction.

Religion: Religion plays a significant role in shaping one's personality. Hindus have different personalities from those of Sikhs and Muslims.Children in Hindu societies learn from the very beginning about hard work and god-fearing attitudes. Christians are open, independent, and cooperative.

Family: Children learn from their parents, sisters and brothers. family is the first factor affecting personality development, after hereditary characteristics are endowed. Rich people have different personalities from those of poor. Children nurtured under a warm, loving environment are positive and active as compared to children neglected by their parents.

Parental Influences: The positive and negative personalities of children are dependent on their parents characteristics and mutual behaviour. Children develop negative personalities if their parents don't have good relationship. Proper parental guidance to children makes them active and efficient.


Situation further influences the effects of heredity and environment on personality. A individual's personality, while generally stable and consistent, does change in different situations. Different demands in different situations call forth different aspects of one's personality.

It has been observed that many arrogant and indisciplined employees become humble and disciplined in a particular situation. Those having a criminal background may become powerful and strong administrators, dominant politicians, etc.

Tutorial Activity

  • What do you understant by the term 'Personality'?
  • Briefly explain the determinants of Personality.

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