Leadership Styles: Consultative Leadership, Free Rein Leadership

2.5.3 Consultative Leadership

The democratic, or participative, leader consults with subordinates on proposed actions and decisions and encourages participation from them.

This type of leader ranges from the person who does not take action without subordinates’ concurrence to the one who makes decisions but consults with subordinates before doing so.

The leader believes that organizational goals can be met only with the cooperation of the followers or subordinates. He is the conductor the orchestra rather than a one man band.


  • The leader delegates as much responsibility to the members of the work team as their experience and knowledge will permit.
  • He shows concern for his employees and thereby gains their respect.
  • He defines the objectives of the group and gives its members some freedom for performance within the standards laid down by him.

The Participative Form is Effective when…………

  • The company has communicated its goals to the subordinates and they have accepted them.
  • When the company practices use rewards and involvement as the primary means of motivation.
  • When the group has a proven record of cooperation and performance.
  • When the workers can work independently without the involvement of the supervisors.

The Participative Form is not Effective when………..

  • Employees lack the experience.
  • There are groups in which employees do not wish to work as a team.

2.5.4 Free Rein Leadership

This type of leadership is also known as the Laisez Faire leadership. This is often described as” no leadership at all”. The free-reign leader uses his or her power very little, if at all, giving subordinates a high degree of independence in their operations. Such leaders depend largely on subordinates to set their own goals and the means of achieving them, and they see their role as one of aiding the operations of followers by furnishing them with information and acting primarily as a contact with the group'’ external environment.


  • Maximum concern for the individuals who make up the team work.
  • Open discussions and creativity and respect for all views.
  • Majority will be operative in the decision making process.

Free Rein Leadership is Effective when ……

  • When the leader desires to delegate the decision making fully.
  • When the subordinates have a high need for independence.
  • When the subordinates derive large personal satisfaction from their work.
  • When the leader has a high degree of confidence in the abilities of his subordinates.

Free Rein Leadership is not Effective when ………

  • The work group has some members who refuse to cooperate.
  • The group is unable or unwilling to reach a decision.
  • In some instances it may degenerate into chaos.

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