Mumbai Dabbawalas - A project on Nutan Mumbai Tiffin Box Suppliers Association

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No of Pages (Project Report) = 76
Package Includes = Synopsis (Project Proposal) and Project Report
Price = Rs. 3000 only




The dabbawalas are nowadays a well-known figure of Mumbai, supposed to be so typical that distinguished guests are invited to visit them on their city tour, as did Prince Charles during his visit to the metropolis. The mumbai dabbawalas are 5000 people of stamina, ethics and value. They are engaged in the business of collecting tiffin boxes filled with home-made food from different houses & distributing it to the work place of the earning members of these families in pre-noon & returning them in afternoon. They deliver around 200000 lunch boxes to people working in different organisations all over Mumbai.

This project discusses about the following: history of dabbawalas; unique features of the dabbawalas; their secret of success; Nutan Mumbai Tiffin Box Suppliers Association; organziation structure; how the dabbawalas operate; rules and regulations for dabbawalas; Six Sigma; Quality management policy; codification; management principles followed by dabbawalas; Porter's Five Forces Theory; Swot Analysis; lessons that can be learnt from the dabbawalas; awards, felicitation and achievements of the dabbawalas, conclusion, Questionnaire, Bibliography, and MUCH MORE.