Study of Consumer Behaviour among B-Segment Cars in India

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No of Pages = 100 (Final Project Report)
Package Includes = Project Report
Price = Rs. 2000 only

Project Introduction

Expansion of an existing product in a market is an inter disciplinary science that investigates the activities related to the creation of proper distribution channels through market intermediaries that is why it is committed to spirit of diversity of view points, diversity of focus, diversity of methods and diversity of consumers. It is studied as a part of marketing curriculum as it helps in understanding why and how consumer make their purchase decision as these insights enable marketers to design more effective marketing strategies.

The present Research work is an effort to study the consumer behavior among B-Segment cars. The research has been carried out with the primary sources as well as secondary sources of information. The data thus collected has been systematically analysed and presented in a justifiable manner for the better presentation and good understanding of the viewer.

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