MS-5 Management of Machines and Materials Question Paper

MBA - Master of Business Administration

Note : (i) Attempt any three questions from Section A.
(ii) Section B is compulsory


1 a). Discuss various objectives of Operations Management?

b) What do you mean by an integrated approach to materials management? Explain

2. a) Explain various key elements that should be considered in product design.

b) What are the various factors that govern the design of plant layout?

3. a) What are various techniques of work measurement? Discuss pre-determined motion time system.

b) What do you mean by Human Engineering? What environmental factors need to be considered while developing a new method?

4. a) Explain failure analysis and its use in industry.

b) "Aggregate planning helps us in smooth control of production." Explain. What are pure strategies?

5 a) What do you mean by 'value'? What are the different types of values? Discuss FAST diagrams, pointing out relevance in design improvements.

b) What is the cost of quality? Explain acceptancesampling. Discuss sampling plans.


6 a) What are the different approaches for liming of purchases? How do you determine price of a product?

b) Discuss advantages of codification standardisation and variety reduction.

7. A project has seven activities. The relevant data about these activities are given below:

Activity Dependence Normal
cost (Rs.)
(Rs. )
A -- 7 5 500 900
B A 4 2 400 600
C A 5 5 500 500
D A 6 4 800 1000
E B, C 7 4 700 1000
F C, D 5 2 800 1400
G E, F 6 4 800 1600

i) Draw the network and find out the normal duration and minimum duration

ii) What is the percentage increase in cost to complete the project in 21 days?

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