MS-6 Marketing For Managers Exam Paper

MBA - Master of Business Administration

Note : (i) Attempt any three questions from Section A.
(ii) Section B is compulsory


1 a). What are the main characteristics that distinguish services from physical products? How can tangibility be introduced into services? Explain with the help of examples.

b) Imagine you are the manager of a car dealership selling a reputed brand, which is being established in a district headquarter with a population of approx. 400000. What type of market research data and information would help you to complete more effectively?

2. a) What are the steps in the consumer decision making process? Do all consumers decisions involve these steps.

b) Why is understanding the consumer post-purchase evaluation process important to marketers? How can marketers control cognitive dissonance?

3. a) Why does the marketing mix change as the product moves through its life cycle? How would you expect the mix to change for an innovative home exercise kit as it moves through the product life cycle?

b) Are intermediaries and their functions necessary aspects of marketing channels? Give reasons

4. Write short notes on any three of the following:

a) Advertising and Publicity
b) Family and Individual brand
c) Full and Marginal cost pricing
d) Functional Organizational and product management organization
e) Time series analysis and executive judgement method of sales forecasting.


Please read the case given and answer the questions that follow:

The furnishing limited is a small chain of distributors of good quality office furniture, carpets, safes and cabinets. Within each category, the company offers a wide variety of products, with a great many variations of each product being offered. For example, the company currently offers some 4 different designs of chairs and 23 varieties of office desks. The company keeps in touch with advances made in the office furniture field worldwide and introduces those products which are in keeping with the needs of the market in terms of design, workmanship, value for money and technical specifications.

Fine furnishing trades only in good quality furniture. Differences between its products and cheaper, lower quality ones are well known to those who have several years of experience in the business.

An important feature the company feels is the availability of a complete list of components of the furniture system. This enables customers to add bits and pieces of matching designs and colour in the furniture. Such components are available for sale separately. Systems are maintained in stock by the company for a number of years, and spare parts for chairs and other furniture are always available.

The trade is currently witnessing a downturn due to recession. Fine furnishing hasl also experienced the same over the past two years. In addition, it had to trim its profit margins. Last year, it barely broke evenand this year it is heading for a loss for the first time in the company's twenty year history.


i) Explain the term product-item, product-line and product mix in the context of the above situation.

ii) Advice the company in relation to its product mix. How will your recommendations affect the company's image?

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