MS-9 Managerial Economics Previous Exam Paper

MBA - Master of Business Administration

Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1. Discuss various concepts of cost which are relevant from the point of view of production, planning and control.

2. What is social cost benefit analysis? How is it different from financial analysis. Briefly discuss the steps involved in social cost benefit analysis of a project.

3. a) Compare and contrast the behavioural theory with the economic theory of the firm.

b) Differentiate between Accounting profit and economic profit. Illustrate with the help of examples.

4. What do you understand by demand forecasting? Survey method is one of the techniques of demand forecasting. Discuss its different types.

5. Issues related to pricing are very important regarding introduction of competition. Discuss some of the important pricing issues with special reference to the software industry.

6. Explain the theoretical principles of production to explain the relative substitution of one input for another occurring as a result of the increased price of labour.

7. Oligopolists are more likely to match the price-cut than a price increase by a competitor. Why? Explain with the help of examples.

8. 'Bundling' has emerged as an important aspect of 'consumer pricing'. Discuss this with special reference to the telecom sector.

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