MS 23 Human Resource Planning Sample Paper

MBA - Master of Business Administration

Note: There are two section A and B. Attempt any four questions from Section A, Each question carries 15 Marks.
Section B is compulsory, and carries 40 marks.

1. Utilisation of human resources, which results demands for the same, depends crucially on functioning and flexibility of the labour market." Critically examine the statement.

2. What is meant by self-appraisal? Explain with examples the objectives of an appraisal interview.

3. "Job description and job specification are the two by-products of job-analysis." Elaborate this statement.

4. How do quantitative and qualitative dimensions regulate the supply of human resources? Explain with the help of suitable examples.

5. Define and discuss different approaches of human resources? Explain with the help of suitable examples.

6. Write short notes on any three of the following :

(i) Training methods and techniques
(ii) Induction Programme
(iii) Human Resource Audit
(iv) Job Evaluation
(v) Human Resource Information System


7. Please read the case and answer the questions given below:

'Inside Rails' is an organisation with 15,000 employees scattered all over India in their seven branches. To provide for future manpower needs of the enterprise, in terms of sales, number, age, i.e., to provide the right number of employees with the right talents and skills at the right time to perform right activities the set objectives and to fulfil the corporate purpose, manpower needs used to be calculated initially at the corporate office itself.

For the post of Chief Draftsman in the graded pay structure of Rs. 2003-3200 plus perks, taking into consideration the needs of the entire organisation with its various branches the manpower needs were to be assessed. While assessing the manpower needs the following information are generally collected:

(1) Details of previous selections
(2) The availability of manpower on hand
(3) Actual sanctions
(4) Present holdings
(5) Vacancies
(6) Anticipated vacancies for the next one year - (a) due to normal wastage, (b) due to diversification, and (c) due to unforeseen circumstances.
(7) Surplus if any anticipated from other divisions of the organisation; and
(8) Any other special consideration. An addition of 20 per cent over the net vacancies arrived at is generally made, to arrive at the total requirements. While working out the requirements for this category which is at the highest supervisory level and is the feeder category for managerial promotions, the anticipated vacancies on account of expected promotions are also taken. 20 per cent of the total vacancies arrived at are filled up by open market recruitment with graduate engineers while 80 per cent is by promotion of diploma holders. Those who are recruited directly from open market are given training for one year and then only posted to the working posts.

Though they are called trainees, they are counted against working posts since their processed a requirement profile for the years1990 and 1991 with the following information collected from various sources. The following particulars were available:

(1) Number available on hand for promotion --- 13

(2) Number of posts on hand --- 22

(3) Number on rolls --- 20

(4) Anticipated requirements to be filled on account of retirement, wastages, etc --- 6

(5) Total requirement --- 7
Action was initiated and the process was carried through, till the time of fixing a date for selection and interviews. It was, however, seen one day prior to the date of interview, by the Chief of Personnel when someone who had come to interview paid a courtesy call on the Chief and when he called for the papers since he did not know about the selection, that the actual requirements would get considerable reduced. It was also seen that if the process was carried through and if seven persons were selected this would create problems and discontentment amongst the staff since atleast the last few out of the seven would not fit in. The Chief of Personnel was perplexed.


1. How and why has this situation arisen?
2. Was there anything wrong in the system?
3. Do you suggest any improvement
4. How could you solve the situation? By canceling the entire procedure so far completed and start afresh the manpower planning to see the needs or make adjustment now, or by going through the process and face the situation of excess when it arises?

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