MS-46 Management of Financial Services Exam Paper

MBA - Master of Business Administration

Note: Answer any five questions.

1. a) Explain the meaning of 'capital market' and 'money market'. Compare and contrast these two markets.

b) Discuss the factors which led the Indian Financial markets into Global Financial markets.

2. Identify the various types of risks relevant to financial services and discuss the different strategies that are available to manage these risks.

3. a) "Mutual funds route offer several important benefits to the small investor." What are these benefits? Briefly discuss.

b) Explain briefly the process of portfolio management of a mutual fund.

4. Who is a "merchant banker". Enumerate the services provided by a merchant banker. Critically analyze the regulatory framework for merchant bankers in India.

5. a) Identify and discuss the factors which are considered necessary in determining a firm's value before taking a merger decision.

b) Explain the factors affecting the takeover or a merger decision of a firm.

6. a) What is 'securitisation' and why do companies go for securitisation of assets?

b) Briefly describe the instruments which can be used for securitisation of assets.

7. Describe the origin of venture capital in India. Describe the various stages of venture capital financing offered by the Indian venture capital companies.

8. Write short notes on any four:

a) Settlement Guarantee
b) Debt instruments
c) Book building
d) Leasing vs Hire purchase
e) Ecommerce

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