MS 52 Project Management Previous Exam Paper

MBA - Master of Business Administration

Note: There are two Sections A and B. Attempt any three questions from Section A. All questions in Section A carry 20 marks each. Section B is compulsory and carries 40 marks.

1. What are the phases associated with a project life cycle? Highlight key points of each phase that distinguishes one from another.

2. Discuss the most aspects, which need to be considered at the pre-feasibility study of a project. What factors and issues need to be considered in financial and economic evaluation?

3. There exists a trade -off between activity duration and the associated cost. Discuss the time/cost trade off in project management. When should one resort to crashing? Discuss.

4. Regular reporting helps monitoring the progress of the project. List out three importance types of reports that need to be generated under each of the following:

(i) Project Monitoring Reports

(ii) Management Reports

5. What are the commonly available project management software packages? Briefly describe the features of Microsoft Project Management Software.

6. Write short notes on any three of the following:

(i) Commissioning of project

(ii) Securves

(iii) Integrated cost-schedule graph

(iv) Social Cost Benefit Analysis (SCBA) of project

(v) Detailed Project Report (DPR)


7. (a) What is matrix organisation and what is the advantage design for project management?

(b) A small project is having seven activities (A to G). The relevant data about these activities is given below:

Activity Dependence Normal Duration (Days) Crash Duration (Days) Normal Cost (Rs.) Crash Cost (Rs.)
A ––– 7 5 500 900
B A 4 2 400 600
C A 5 5 500 500
D A 6 4 800 1000
E B,C 7 4 700 1000
F C,D 5 2 800 1400
G E,F 6 4 800 1600

(I) Draw the project network. Find out the duration of each path in the network.

(II) Mark the critical path in the network and find out its length.

(III) What is the percentage increase in cost to complete the project in 21 days.

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