MS-56 Materials Management Previous Exam Paper

MBA - Master of Business Administration

Note: There are eight questions in this paper. Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1. It the responsibility for maintaining the quality of the product and incurring less cost on its production is the responsibility of the production/operation" and deciding the price of the product and finding the customers that will buy it comes under "marketing", what does the 'materials management function" do?

2. What is the need for International Purchase? Discuss the procedure and problems in International Purchase.

3. Differentiate between independent and dependent demand inventory. Dependent demand inventory items do not need to be forecast. Why not? Explain with the help of examples?

4. If you reduce WIP then you expose many organizational bottlenecks." Comment on this statement. Also, state the reasons for your agreement/disagreement.

5. What are the objectives of codification, standardization and simplification? How does standardization lead to variety reduction? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of

6. Explain how a performance appraisal system can be used in the context of materials management. What are the metrics of performance appraisal in materials management?

7. Write short notes on any four of the following:

(a) Integrated MaterialsManagement
(b) Problems and risks in vendor networking
(c) Manufacturing Resources Planning (MRP II)
(d) Use of OR techniques in Materials Management
(e) Losses due to shrinkage’s/pilferage’s
(f) Theory of the super organization

8. List the major advantages and shortcomings of FIFO, LIFO, and Average methods of stores evaluation. Under what conditions are the three inventories flow methods essentially equivalent?

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