MS-58 Management of R&D and Innovation Test Paper

MBA - Master of Business Administration

Note: Answer all questions which carry equal marks.

1. Examine the relationship between science, technology and business. How does this relationship affect industrial and economic growth? Discuss with suitable examples.


Discuss the nature of technological change and its impact on the economic development of a country.

2. a) if a technology subjected to technology portfolio analysis falls under the head "Hold", what R&D inputs can shift this technology to "Build"?
b) Why is applied research considered a critical interface in technology development?


a) What are the different types of R&D organizations? Decsribe
b) What could be the different types of approaches used for R&D budgeting? Discuss briefly.

3. What factors might inhibit the termination of an R&D project? How can the barriers be overcome?


What are the desirable attributes of a successful team? Ho can a team be built up from scratch and then maintained?

4. Discuss how the expenditure incurred on R&D and manpower employed in R&D affect the effectiveness of R&D in an organization. Give examples to illustrate your point.


Compare the main features of 'Technology policy' in India with those of other countries, viz., USA, UK and Japan. What scope exists for improvement?

5. a) Why is patenting important to an organization?
b) What are the important issues to be considered while formulating a Copyright Protection Act?


a) What factors in general would guide a firm in allocating funds for R&D?
b) Why should a firm hire a technical consultant when it knows that it will have to pay a considerable fee?

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