MS-68 Sample Paper - Management of Marketing Communication and Advertising

MBA - Master of Business Administration

Note: This paper consists of two sections A and B. Attempt any three questions from Section A. Section B is compulsory. All questions carry equal marks.

1. (a) Discuss the role of marketing communication in accomplishing the firm’s marketing onjectives.

(b) Explain how will the role of marketing communication differ of a fast mocing consumer product as compared to that of a consumer durable. Illustrate your answer accordingly.

2. (a) What makes measuring advertising effectiveness as significant as designing and executing an advertising campaign. Discuss.

(b) Suggest appropriate technique for measuring effectiveness of an advertisement for economy range of chocolates directed at young children.

3. What major factors does the media planner take into consideration while deciding on the media selection for the launch of the following:
(a) Premium passenger car
(b) Branded personal computer
(c) Herbal cosmetic products

4. (a) List out the elements of promotion mix available to the Indian marketer. Discuss the major objectives of these elements.

(b) Why do companies involved with industrial marketing rely less on sales promotion than companies involved in consumer products? Explain with suitable examples.

5. Write short notes on any three of the following
(a) Consumer perception
(b) Advertising research and its application in marketing decision, making
(c) Media strategy
(d) Consumer and trade promotions
(e) Role and responsibilities of accounts executive in advertising agency


Read the following case carefully and answer the questions given at the end :

Supreme Garment Manufacturers

Supreme Garment Manufacturers (p) Ltd. is a successful medium–sized company with a turnover of over 70 crores.

In April 1997, Mr. Ranjan, the Marketing Director of Supreme Garment Manufacturers, was seriously considering what advertising strategy the company should follow or launching two of their new products in the market, and was keen to give a new thrust to the image of the company and its products, so that the company could establish its leading position un the marketplace.

The focus was on its two premium brands, Samson Supreme and Samson Glory, a new product line consisting of vests and briefs meant for young man who belong to the upper strata of society and who are upwardly mobile. The products were high quality, and made of fine fabrics. The product tests conducted among prospective customers gave possible results. Many of the customers who tried the products commented that they liked the design of the products and that they were comfortable to wear. They also informed that the pricing (Rs. 85–100) was right and the package was good. It was also decided that the products should be sold only from up market outlets and fashion boutiques.

It was estimated that the market for made innerwear was fast expanding in India its total value exceeding 1,000 crores of rupees.

Mr. Ranjan felt that in the fast changing competitive market, persuasive advertising had become necessary to build loyally for the company’s new products. For this, he felt that testimonial advertisement is a powerful instrument that will help to build a strong image in the consumer mind especially for their new brand meant for the fashion–conscious youth.

Very often a celebrity is featured in testimonial advertising saying how much he or she likes the products. The celebrity is positioned as an opinion leader who is often associated with glamour and success. Television newsreaders, fashion designers, sports starts, cinema actors and actresses are all being engaged for promoting several consumer products in the Indian market.

The most successful celebrity advertising which changed the fortune of a product is that of Palmolive shaving cream. In 1971, Colgate Palmolive (India) found that their product Palmolive shaving cream did not do well in the market because the market seemed to be indifferent to all brands. From the study of market situation it was inferred that consumers were not able to perceive any marked difference among the different brands. Thereupon the company improved the product by adding moisturizing agent and making it give more lather. A completely new position was chosen for the brand and Vijay Amritraj, the well-known tennis champion, was retained to endorse Palmolive. Later, Vijay Amritraj was replaced by kapil Dev. The new campaign proved to be highly successful. While all other shaving creams were meant to soften stubble, lather well and give a good shave, Palmolive acquired the image of doing all these in addition to being a successful sportsman’s cream kapil Dev promoted Palmolive by saving “Palmolive da jawaan nahi” which became one of the well known bylines of advertising.

Mr. Ranjan felt that even though the use of a celebrity will help to create a greater brand awareness among consumers, it is necessary that the company should take other steps to build customer confidence in the product. Surely a customer will be recalling an advertisement will be recalling an advertisement with a good jingle and will definitely trust a product is it is prominently displayed that the product is made of imported fabrics of fine quality. If the price of the product is competitive, compared to other products of this class, the same should be displayed in the ad. This will definitely carry the message of competitiveness of the product.

He also felt that the celebrity product match has to be ensured. The same celebrity should not promote too many products of other industries. He thought of an example like Lata Mangeshkar appearing recently for a music company for advertisement, which became a big media event. For a product like Samson Supreme and Samson Glory he thought of hiring an athletic sports star who could stress the quality of the product and impress on the target audience with macho appeal.


(a) To what extent will celebrity advertising help Supreme Garment Manufacturers in launching their two new products?
(b) What are the merits and demerits of testimonial advertising with respect to Samson Supreme and Samson Glory?
(c) As a consultant to Supreme Garment Manufacturers what advice would you give to promote their two new products?

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