MS-92 Management of Public Enterprises Sample Paper

MBA - Master of Business Administration

Note: There are two Sections A and B.
Attempt any three questions from Section A. All questions carry 20 marks each.
Section B is compulsory for all and carries 40 marks.

1. Trace the growth of public enterprises into various phases, laying particular emphasis on the third phase (i e Disinvestment and competitive mould - 1991).

2. Discuss any three ways in which the Government exercises control over public enterprises. Comment on the reasons for excessive government control of PEs.

3. What are the objectives of SLPEs? Discuss any five of these objectives in detail. Illustrate your answer with examples.

4. "Collective Bargaining is an important tool of negotiation between workers and owners/managers in the industrial sector," Comment on the statement in the context of
public enterprises.

5. Briefly discuss the main strategies adopted for Privatisation by countries which succeeded in their efforts.


6. "Administrative reforms are urgently needed in the public sector to make it viable and compete effectively with the private sector on a long term basis, otherwise it would remain a burden on the public exchequer, which the nation can ill–afford."
What kind of administrative reforms are needed in the public sector to increase its effectiveness? Discuss.

7. Public enterprises have enjoyed a special place in the Indian economy since Independence. While analysing the rationale for PEs, discuss the changing Government policy towards public enterprises.

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