MS 94 Technology Management Exam Paper

MBA - Master of Business Administration

Note: Attempt all questions which carry 20 marks each.

1. "Most of the poor countries, though rich in natural resources, are faced with some basic problems." What are these basic problems and how can technology be helpful in the area of

(i) Food
(ii) Shelter
(iii) Health
(iv) Communication
(v) Transportation; and
(vi) Education

(a) "There is another way of looking at technology life from the perspective of growth and diffusion." Explain the stages of growth of technology according to this perspective.

(b) Describe the five stages of technology transformation.

2. (a) What are the key factors in technology transfer? Discuss various modes of technology transfer.

(b) Discuss different international agencies that are engaged in the promotion of Science and
Technology (S&T) cooperation among developing countries.


Explain the Growth curves with the help Pearl curve and Gompertz curve.

3. Discuss the process of technology assessment (TA) and technology evaluation (TE). How does TA differ from TE?


Define technology diffusion. Discuss the multi–faceted activities of diffusion.

4. Discuss the role of venture capital in developing technology support systems.


Explain the contents and sources of technology information.

5. Explain any four of the following:

(b) Analysis of technology gaps
(c) Technology Missions
(d) Technology support for modernization of small scale
(e) R&D expenditure in India
(f) Factors on which royalty rate for technology transfer depends

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