Question 2: How is the data fragmented and again reassembled in TCP/IP? Why is TCP reliable and UDP unreliable protocol?
Question 3: What is a mail server? Briefly explain specifying the protocols involved, how a sender can send a mail to the server and the recipient retrieves it from the server?
Question 4: What is an inter-network? State and compare internetworking devices used to connect different LAN segments.
Question 5: What do you understand by browser? Describe the major components of a web browser and how they interact with each other. Compare the Internet browsers supported by Windows XP, Linux, and Macintosh operating systems.
Question 6: A Global Technologies Pvt. Ltd. has given you a project to design a 125 nodal (computers) interconnected research laboratory. This lab will need to be providing the facility to run Linux and windows operating system. Also, it should support the Internet, windows office software and some present research softwares. It should also be able to connect to the organisation Internet gateway.
Design and write a description of the computer lab, including
type of software and hardware needed
best operating system / network operating system
type of computers (processor, RAM, hardisk size, monitor & video
card, additional internal hardware)
type of network (topology & protocol)
other hardware / software needed for the lab