The following are the three budgetary control ratios:
Activity ratio: It is a measure of the level of activity
attained over a period of time. It is obtained by expressing
the number of standard hours equivalent to the work produced
as a percentage of the budgeted hours.
ratio |
Standard hours for actual
production |
= |
x |
100 |
Budgeted hours |
Capacity Ratio: This ratio indicates whether and to what
extend budgeted hours of activity are actually utilised. It
shows the relationship between the actual number of working
hours and the maximum possible number of working hours in
a budget period.
Ratio |
Actual hours worked |
= |
x |
100 |
Budgeted hours |
Efficiency Ratio: It indicates the degree of efficiency attained
in production. It is obtained by expressing the standard hours
equivalent to the work produced as a percentage of the actual
hours spent in producing that work.

Ratio |
Standard hours for actual
production |
= |
x |
100 |
Actual hours worked |