In fact inadequacy or mismanagement of working capital is
the leading course of business failures. So its necessary
to have an effective financial management.
A firm may have to face the following
adverse consequences from inadequate working capital:
- Growth may be stunted. It may become difficult
for the firm to undertake profitable projects due to non-availability
of funds.
- Implementation of operating plans may become difficult
and consequently the firm's profit goals may not be achieved.
- Operating inefficiencies may creep in due to difficulties
in meeting even day to day commitments.
- Fixed assets may not be efficiently utilised due to lack
of working funds, thus lowering the rate of return on investments
in the process.
- Attractive credit opportunities may have to be lost due
to paucity of working capital.
- The firm loses its reputation when it is not in a position
to honour its short-term obligations. As a result, the firm
is likely to face tight credit terms.
- Post Payment: When there exists lesser working
capital in the organization it cannot pay cash on due dates.