Objectivity Concept and Accrual Concept

Objectivity Concept

This Objectivity Concept implies that all accounting records should be supported by proper documents, e.g., invoices, cash memos, correspondence, agreements etc. These documents supply the information on the basis of which entries are made in the books of account. The accounting entries are based on objectively verifiable evidence.

Accrual Concept

This assumption is core of mercantile system of accounting. According to the Accrual Concept, revenue and costs are recognized as they are earned or incurred (and not as money is received or paid), The accrual concept result in the recognition and recording of revenue transaction when the right to receive revenue arises which can be in cash or in kind, e.g., the credit sales of Rs. 50,000 will be included in the sales but goods sent on approval for sale will not be treated as sales, because of the uncertainty involved in the transaction. Similarly, while ascertaining the profit or loss, not only those expenses, which have been paid in cash, should be considered, but also expenses that have accrued but not paid should be taken into account. The application of accrual concept helps in depiction of time financial position of the enterprise as the costs and revenue is recognized when they are incurred.

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