Depreciation: Straight Line Method vs Written Down Value Method

Q. Distinguish between Straight Line and Written Down Method of providing depreciation.

Straight Line Method/Original Cost Method/Fixed Instalment Method: Under this method, the amount of depreciation is uniform from year to year. This fixed amount of depreciation is charged to Profit and Loss A/c every year. The annual amount of depreciation can be easily calculated. Out of the cost of the asset its scrap value id deducted and it is divided by the number of years of its estimated life.

Depreciation   Original Cost – Scrap Value
  Estimated life of Asset

Written Down Value Method/Diminishing Balance Method/Reducing Balance Method: Under this method also the cost of the assets less estimated scrap value has to be written off over its estimated life. A certain percentage is calculated on the book, and not the cost of the asset. Thus the amount of depreciation goes on falling every year. The value of asset never comes to zero under this method.

 Difference between Straight Line Method and Written Down Value Method

  1. Amount of Depreciation: The amount of depreciation remains the same all the years under straight-line method, while it goes on decreasing every year under the written down value method.
  2. Computation of Depreciation: Under straight line method of depreciation, depreciation is charged on the original cost of the asset, while it is charged on the reducing balance every year under written down value method.
  3. Value of Asset: Under the straight line method the value of the asset become nil at the end of its working life but it never becomes nil under the written down value method.
  4. Rate of Depreciation: Normally, the rate of depreciation is lower under straight-line method whereas it is higher under the diminishing balance method.
  5. Recognition: The straight line method of depreciation is not recognized by the income tax authorities while the later method is well recognized by them.


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