Gross Profit
Gross Profit is obtained by subtracting the cost of goods
sold from Net sales.
Gross Profit = Net Sales – Cost of Goods Sold
Cost of Goods Sold = Opening Stock + Net Purchases + Direct
Expenses – Closing Stock
And Net Sales = Total Sales – Sales Return
Operating Profit
Operating Profit means profit earned by the concern from its
business operation and not from the other sources. While calculating
the net profit of the concern all incomes either they are
not part of the business operation like Rent from tenants,
Interest on Investment etc. are added and all non-operating
expenses are deducted. So, while calculating operating profit
these all are ignored and the concern comes to know about
its business income from its business operations.
Operating Profit = Gross Profit – Operating Expenses
Or Operating Profit = Net Profit + Non Operating Expenses
– Non Operating Incomes
And Net Sales = Total Sales – Sales Return
Net Profit
This is the amount ultimately available to the company for
appropriation. This amount could be either distributed as
dividends to shareholders or retained in the business as retained
earnings. This is variously referred to as PAT (Profit after
tax) or EAT (Earnings after tax). After subtracting dividends
declared, and surplus remaining is added to retained earnings,
that is, reserves & surplus.
Net Profit = Gross Profit – Selling and Distribution Expenses
– Office and Administration Expenses – Financial Expenses
– Non Operating Expenses + Non Operating Incomes.
And Net Sales = Total Sales – Sales Return
Q Write short notes on Gross Profit, Operating Profit, Net Profit. |