Miscellaneous Questions

Deterministic versus Nondeterministic Parsers

Q. Write a short note on Deterministic & Nondeterministic Parsers

Ans. A deterministic parser permits only one choice (arc) for each word category. Thus, each arc will have a different test condition. Consequently, if an incorrect test choice is accepted from some state, the parse will fail since the parser cannot backtrack to an alternative choice. This may occur, for example, when a word satisfies more than one category such as a noun and a verb or an adjective, noun, and verb.

In deterministic parsers, care must be taken to make correct test choices at each stage of the parsing. It can be facilitated with a look-ahead feature, which checks the categories of one or more subsequent words in the input sentence before deciding in which category to place the current word. The following figure depicts an example of deterministic parser:


Nondeterministic parsers permit different arcs to be labeled with the same test. Consequently, the next test from any given state may not be uniquely determined by the state and the current input word. The parser must guess at the proper constituent and then backtrack, if the guess is later proven to be wrong. This will require saving more than one potential structure during parts of the network traversal. The following figure depicts an example of nondeterministic parser:

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