Miscellaneous Questions


Q. For each of the following statements, tell whether it is true or false: (Jan. 01)

  1. The goal of AI is to develop working computer systems that are truly capable of performing intelligent tasks effectively and efficiently.
  2. Computers are better than human beings in the matter of recognizing relative importance of various elements in a scene/situation.
  3. LISP and PROLOG are two most popular AI programming languages.


  1. True
  2. False
  3. True

Q. For each of the following statements, tell whether it is true or false: (June 01, June 03)

  1. Computers are better than human beings in the matter of non-numeric symbolic processing.
  2. Knowledge is food for intelligence.
  3. AI does not overlap with any of the disciplines: Linguistics, psychology, or philosophy.


  1. True
  2. True
  3. False

Q. For each of the following statements, tell whether it is true or false: (Dec. 01)

  1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the study of mind.
  2. Knowledge consists of concepts, facts, procedures, and rules.
  3. The inference rule modus ponens states:
    From P à Q and Q à R infer P à R


  1. Flase
  2. True
  3. False

Q. For each of the following statements, tell whether it is true or false: (June 02)

  1. Frames and scripts are two knowledge representation mechanisms.
  2. The work of logicians such as Church, Godel, Post and Turning did not play any role in the development of AI later on.
  3. The field of linguistics shares an interest in the theory of grammars and languages with AI.


  1. True
  2. False
  3. True


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