Knowledge Organization & Management


Q. 8 Write a brief note on 'Episodic Memory Organization Packets' (E-MOPS) (Jan 01)

Ans. Basically, E-MOP is a frame like node structure in a CYRUS system which contains conceptual information related to different categories of episodic events. E-MOPs are indexed in memory by one or more distinguishing features. For example, there are basic E-MOPs for diplomatic meetings with foreign dignitaries, specialized political conferences, traveling, sightseeing, negotiations, state dinners, as well as other basic events related to diplomatic state functions. The diplomatic-meeting E-MOP, called $MEET, contains information which is common to all diplomatic meeting events. The common information, which characterizes such an E-MOP is called its content. For example, $MEET might contain the following information:

actor: Cyrus Vance
participants: foreign diplomats
topics: international contracts
actions: participants talk to each other
goals: to resolve disputed contract

A second type of information contained in E-MOPs is the indices, which index either individual episodes or other E-MOPs which have become specializations of their parent E-MOPs. For instance, specific diplomatic meetings are indexed by features unique to the individual meetings such as location, actual topic discussed, or the actual meeting participants.

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