

HCI principles should be taken into account when designing any system. It is important that the system is usable and that the potential users want to use the system as oppose to having to use it. Heuristic evaluation is used to assess whether the specified usability criteria are successfully applied to the system.

Questionnaires are used to query the experts and obtain their views on the usability of the system. The questions under the different areas included in the questionnaire are as follows:

1. How easy did you find the system was to learn?
2. Did you feel the need to refer to the Instruction Manual? If yes, how often?
3. Did you find the navigational structure and page layout was easy to follow?

4. Did you experience any noticeable delays when using the system?
5. Did you find the page layout supported the order of completing tasks?

6. Did you find the system easy to remember how to use?
7. Did you find the navigational structure and page layout supported this?

8. Did any errors occur whilst using the system? What was the nature of those errors?
9. Were the error messages friendly and did they help you resolve the problem?

10. Did you enjoy using the system?
11. How did you find the colours of the system?

12. Were there any occasions when you felt you were not in control of the system? If yes, what happened on these occasions?

13. How professional did you find the system?
14. Did you find it enhanced your skills?
15. Did you feel valued whilst using the system?

16. How confident did you feel that the system complied with the data protection legislation practiced in your role?



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