Functional Partitioning - continued ....


SMS Messaging

An application that is on server will send the message through JSMS. The JSMS is software used for SMS status reports and validity period. It also provides full control to the message passing. After this the message is routed through virtual modem which is connected on COM 3 port, this now communicates to the serial port connected to a cell phone (Nokia) by using Java communication application programming interface (API). Now the message is routed to the SMSC (Short messages service center) using the cellular phone. The message is now in the domain of mobile network and is transmitted to the customer.

Email Messaging

This transmits the alerts/messages vial email to the customer account of email. The application program which is on the server, route the email to the Java mail API, which sends it to the desired customers. The threads that are working on the client, check for any failure notice (with alert email serial no. as subject). In IMAP folder and sent to main server again. The threads at client side machine are in continuous process for checking the failure notice that repeats again & again.

Pager Messaging
The email that is forwarded by the Java mail API is being routed to the Pager company. The address of the client to whom pager is sent is picked up from the pager number of the client, for example, the person having the pager number 961721211222 will be sent the mail addressed to, which is a pager company. The company then picks up the pager number from the mail address and sends required message to the customer.

The checking of the failure/successful delivery of tyhe4 mails is done through IMAP folder, which is the same method of thread control as email messaging.


Report Generation

The report generated by the system administrator through administration module. There are different types of reports, which will be required.

  • The number of emails sent in a particular time period.
  • The number of FAILURE notices received
  • The number of SMS sent.
  • The number of Pager messages.
  • The report is also generated for the system itself like the report for the number of clients on the network with server, which gives information how many clients are currently working with Load balancer.


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