Evaluation - continued ......


One of the most important elements of any software system is it’s accessibility to it’s users. There has been serious consideration of how to ensure the system’s accessibility to all, and I shall mention here the two main points raised.

System colour scheme
A point was raised by one member within the focus group relating to the colouring of read and unread articles within news groups. Originally the interface used red and green to identify unread and read posts respectively, which unfortunately meant that one member, as a colour blind person, found it difficult to distinguish the unread articles from the read ones and he also highlighted two other colour combinations that he found difficult to distinguish.

Realising that different people who suffer from colour blindness more than likely have problems with different colour combinations it was decided that one colour would be used for all articles and that unread articles would be represented by making the subject line bold, rather than a different colour.

Design changes via style sheets
Different disabilities often require different fixes and changes to be made to a system to make the system useful to a person suffering from the disability. As stated above, a person suffering from colour blindness may require the colour scheme to be changed, while a person who is visually impaired may require that the font used within the system be considerably larger. It is seemingly impossible to take into account every disability consideration and ensure that the system is unaffected by it. Instead the system offers the ability for the user to choose the style sheet which they wish to use to browse the system. This way a style sheet defining the layout, colour scheme and fonts used throughout the system can easily be constructed to compensate for any disabilities recognised which the system does not compensate for.




Web browser compatibility

The entire system uses standard HTML as set out by the W3C in the “HTML 4.01 Specification” and as such all modern Web browsers should experience no problems when handling any pages that the system produces. With a system such as this, the sole method for accessing the user interface is via a Web browser.

The Web browser used to develop and test this system as part of this project was the Mozilla Web browser. As the Mozilla Web browser uses the Gecko layout engine any other Web browsing software which uses the Gecko layout engine will have experience no problems when using this system.


As with any piece of software documentation is very useful for a new user or for somebody who is knew to the system. However, the system is quite simple and has been designed to be as straight forward as possible for any user and so documentation has been kept to a minimum.

Customising the interface

The technology used to create the user interface portion of the system has been written in a way that allows for easy customisation of the interface so that the system can adopt a look and feel that the user is comfortable with. There are two ways that the interface can be customised, by providing a cascading style sheet which dictates the layout and formatting of a page within the system, or by making changes to the system itself to alter the text, content or functionality of the system.



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