Design - continued .....
The database will be a relational schema, using primary keys.
The aim of any relational schema is to have all the tables
normalised. This would help minimise redundancy and minimise
anomalies when inserting, deleting and updating. Although
there are many types of normal form, Boyce-Codd Normal Form
(BCNF) will be discussed in this report as it is a stricter
form of normalisation than 3NF and was therefore used in the
design of the database. Ideally, relational database design
should achieve BCNF or 3NF for every relation schema.
Database Structure
To implement the desired system, a table was required holding
the full text of each part of the website. Each field was
stored as medium or long text depending on what part of the
website it related to. This table did not require a separate
primary key as there is only one row and consequently each
field is a unique identifier and so the table is automatically
in BCNF. The `text' table is illustrated below:
Text(top right, bottom right, contact us, about us, academics,
offers, around world, asia, america, youth insurance, europe,
uk, guides, picture)
The deals that were to be displayed in the main page required
a new table. This is because there would be many different
rows and would therefore leave the text table unnormalised
due to the fact that there would be more than one row in the
table. 'Deals' has primary key id, which auto increments in
every insertion. This is used as a unique identifier, as none
of the other fields in the table would be unique. The deals
table is illustrated below:
Deals(id, title, description, price, url)
The functional dependencies demonstrate that the table is
in BCNF, as all the superkeys are different:
id > title, description, price, url
title, description > id, price, url
The user is not obliged to enter their name and email when
they give feedback so as to reduce any inconvenience they
may have when filling out the form. Therefore the id would
be a unique reference the whole table. The feedback table
is illustrated below:
Feedback(id, name, email, feedback)
A table for the login form would be required with the user
name as a primary key. The field 'admin' is a binary character
which would be set to '1' if the user has administrative rights
and set to `0' otherwise. The table is illustrated below:
Login(usr, first name, last name, password, admin)
Only the username and password are required for the login
process. The password field is not a primary key as it may
or may not be unique. The username however must be unique
and consequently it is the primary key.