Web Development Tools


Server Side

The technologies that were evaluated were PHP, Perl and ASP. Each has unique qualities and weaknesses.

PHP is an open source scripting language which was created from Perl, Java and C. Unlike Perl, PHP was designed specifically for the web. PHP has a less confusing and stricter format without losing flexibility. PHP also has some disadvantages however, namely in error handling and handling dates.

Perl is a very respected open source scripting language, largely due to its maturity, for it was first released in 1987, and its reputation for being stable. It is supported across many different platforms. Its disadvantage however is introduced with the web, for Perl is a tool to assist in system administration, so it is relatively complex with regards to integration within HTML and databases.



ASP (Active Server Pages) can be written in a number of languages and is therefore not a language in of itself. ASP was developed by Microsoft Windows and is proprietary. This is a disadvantage, for it is limited to Windows platforms and servers.

The correct choice for this project

The choice for this project was PHP. This is due to its relative stability and speed when compared with ASP, and its simplicity when compared with Perl.

Client Side

Client side languages are executed on the user's browser and are not run from the server. The aspects of the client side that will be discussed are: JavaScript, VBScript, Cascading Style Sheets, HTML and XHTML.

JavaScript, developed by Netscape, and VBScript, developed Microsoft were initially created to solve the problem of frustratingly slow interactive web pages. It is common to use JavaScript to perform such tasks as verifying data and displaying new browser windows. JavaScript is however the only scripting language that is able to run on nearly all browsers. It is therefore more appropriate for public use than VBScript.

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) were developed in 1994 by CERN to fulfil author requests for stylistic control beyond HTML. CSS has improved web development enormously, for before CSS web developers had to make pictures of text and buttons to generate an attractive Web page. This would hinder network performance, leading to slower download times. CSS has therefore been a leading factor in improving network performance. CSS is also beneficial for disabled users, for a speech synthesizer that is designed for blind users is able to read CSS and HTML but is unable to read pictures. If a link were depicted in picture format, the blind user would not be aware of its existence.

One of the biggest advantages with CSS is that it allows multiple style sheets for the same document and allows the developer to link one style sheets to many documents. This means that the same feature can contain the same font and attributes and if the developer wishes to change those attributes, they only need to change one file. It however has a major disadvantage, for CSS does not degrade gracefully if a browser does not support it.

HTML (HyperText Markup Language) was created to give semantic meaning to the text documents produced for the World Wide Web. XHTML (EXtensible HyperText Markup Language) is an official W3C Recommendation and is aimed to replace HTML, for it is a stricter and cleaner version of HTML. Syntax that violates HTML rules would still work in all browsers but may not work in the many technologies that currently access the World Wide Web, such as mobile phones and hand held PCs. XHTML is a combination of HTML and XML and contains the positive attributes of HTML with respect to the world wide web and XML with respect to the fact that pages can be read by XML devices. It therefore facilitates correct syntax and compatibility throughout the Internet.

CSS, XHTML and JavaScript were therefore chosen as client side technologies for the project.


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