Virtual Learning Environments


This section looks at what a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) is, the common functionality that all VLEs provide and the proposed benefits of VLE usage.

A Virtual Learning Environment is a piece of information communication technology that provides an integrated online learning environment for the facilitation of e-learning. They can be used to deliver courses in their entirety to students using distance learning or to complement traditional face to face learning. Although a VLE can be used as a document repository and to teach via direct instruction, they are designed primarily to engage learning and teaching through social constructivist methods and provide many core features for assisting with this, these include;

  • Forums supporting threaded discussion.
  • Whiteboards / Messageboards.
  • Real-time chat systems.




Proposed Benefits

  • A VLE offers a consistent interface, both to staff and learners. It's usually possible (and easy) to tailor this interface for different groups, so that, for example, you could choose to make available a 'real time' chat function to one group but not to another, depending on which classes they are enrolled on via the VLE.
  • A VLE is integrated - all the functions and services are provided via the one system, rather than being discrete components as they probably will be on your intranet. This makes it both easier to use (for staff and students), and easier to install and maintain. In fact, the technical support required for a VLE is likely to be considerably less than for an intranet - an important factor for overstretched and under resourced technical support staff in colleges. Indeed, some colleges have chosen to have their VLEs hosted remotely, usually by the company supplying them - and so, in effect, outsourcing all the installation and technical maintenance problems.
  • A VLE makes it easier to organise virtual classes, enabling class-based discussions, group work, peer support, and so on.
  • Because a VLE can be logically (in a technical sense) completely separate from an intranet, there is less danger of compromising your intranet through hacking activities.

as well the following benefits to students, teachers and parents;

  • Staff and students often find it easier to use ICT within an integrated environment.
  • Communication channels are increased through the use of discussion groups, email and chat rooms.
  • Flexibility if anytime, anywhere learning allows absent or excluded pupils to continue with their studies via the VLE.
  • Access to online content supports homework study outside of school hours.
  • Students develop higher level learning styles and new approaches to learning.



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