MS-94 Technology Management Sample Paper

MBA - Master of Business Administration

Note: Attempt all questions which carry 20 marks each.

1. Why has technology management emerged as an important area for study and research? Discuss the status of technology management in India.


What is technology policy and what are its aims and objectives? Distinguish between technology policy, technology instruments and technology planning. Give suitable examples.

2. Discuss the role of technology forecasting in the emerging scenario. Classify the various methods of technology forecasting and explain any one technique under normative methods.


Discuss the role of technology strategy at the corporate level. What steps would you formulating a viable technology strategy for a business firm?

3. Discuss the important points in managing technology absorption, citing some relevant international experiences. Also offer your own suggestions.


What is technology evaluation and why is it important? What parameters could be used in technology evaluation by a business firm?

4. Give a brief historical account of the emphasis placed on technology generation, promotion and development etc. in successive five-year plans. What kind of focus should technology receive for future planning in India?


What incentive --- financial and otherwise --- exist for promotion and development in India? Have these objectives of providing incentives been met?

5. Briefly explain the following:

(a) Evaluation of technology options and routes
(b) Capabilities that an R&D organisation/department should posses to be successful


(a) International cooperation in science and technology
(b) Methods of technology assessment

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