MS-94 Technology Management Test Paper

MBA - Master of Business Administration

Note: Attempt all questions which carry 20 marks each.

1. "Every technology eventually reaches a decline phase." Discuss the reasons for such decline and suggest measures that could be helpful in arresting or postponing such decline.


(a) Distinguish between 'incremental' and 'radical' innovations.

(b) "Developing countries are fending to lose their traditional competitive advantage." Why and how?

2. (a) Distinguish between "Pearl curve" and "Gompertz curve" techniques of technology forecasting.

(b) What are the objectives of corporate R&D and what stages do R&G projects usually go through?


Explain the various steps involved in technology development cycle. Discuss the different approaches to technology development.

3. What different phases are involved from project formulation to technology improvement and upgradation? What are the requirements of know-why exercises and what consequences do such exercises lead to? Discuss.


a) Distinguish between Technology assessment and Technology Evaluation.

b) What criteria in general could be used by a manufacturing firm for technology evaluation before it makes a final section? Discuss.

4. (a) Describe some of the major Science and Technology achievements in India. What contributed to such achievements?

(b) Write a note on the industrial research in Indian industry and give your comments.


Describe the salient features of India's Technology Policy Statement of 1983. How is technology policy related to industrial and trade policies?

5. Explain the following:

(a) Science and Technology entrepreneur's parks
(b) Technology business incubators
(c) Factoring


Explain the following:

(a) Technology Information, Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIFAC)
(b) National Informatics Centre (NIC)
(c) Institutional sources for technical manpower in India

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