Structure of Tables - continued.....

Table Name :PAGER_IN

Structure of Table

Alert No It is a unique number for identifying the alerts Int
Deliverytime Gives time to send alerts Char(10)
Delivery_date Gives the date on which alert is send Char(10)
Status used to check the message status tinyint, "1" is default
Priority This sets the priorities for transmission of alert messages, the high priority message is transmitted first tinyint
Message Language of the alert to be sent to the customers Varchar (200)
no_of_retries The value is greater than zero tinyint
Retry_time_gap It gives the time between retry of message transmission in case of failure. tinyint
From_id Gives the address from where the alert is being sent. char(20)
Contact1 Gives the address of the customer in which alert is to be sent char (20)
Contact2 Alert is send to this address if contact1is not receiving the address due to any reasons char (20)
Attachment_Id The attachment file is given a number which identifies the attachment tinyint
Morning_alert It is to be send in the morning . Varchar(10)
Counter1 Is a flag (value "1")which states that the message has been sent successfully tinyint default value 1
Counter2 Is a flag (value "2") which states that the message has already been sent successfully tinyint, default value 2
Counter3 Is a flag (value "3") which states that the message has been picked up for sending tinyint, default value 3

Table Name :SMS_IN

Structure of Table

Alert No It is a unique number for identifying the alerts Int
Deliverytime Gives time to send alerts Char(10)
Delivery_date Gives the date on which alert is send Char(10)
Status used to check the message status tinyint, "1" is default
Priority This sets the priorities for transmission of alert messages, the high priority message is transmitted first tinyint
Message Language of the alert to be sent to the customers Varchar (200)
no_of_retries The value is greater than zero tinyint
Retry_time_gap It gives the time between retry of message transmission in case of failure. tinyint
From_id Gives the address from where the alert is being sent. char(20)
Contact1 Gives the address of the customer in which alert is to be sent char (20)
Contact2 Alert is send to this address if contact1is not receiving the address due to any reasons char (20)
Attachment_Id The attachment file is given a number which identifies the attachment tinyint
Morning_alert It is to be send in the morning . Varchar(10)
Counter1 Is a flag (value "1")which states that the message has been sent successfully tinyint default value 1
Counter2 Is a flag (value "2") which states that the message has already been sent successfully tinyint, default value 2
Counter3 Is a flag (value "3") which states that the message has been picked up for sending tinyint, default value 3



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