Data Dictionary Name Alias Purpose Data Type
1. Alert no. Alert_number Alert number is used for numbering the alerts Integer
2. Deliverytime Delivery_time Gives time to send alerts character
3. Delivery_date Delivery date Date on which alert is to be send character
4. Status Message status Being used to check the message status Integer
5. Priority Message priority Used for setting the priorities of messages Integer
6. Message Message description Text of the message to be sent Varchar
7. Mode_id Mode number The number assigned to each service Integer
8. No_of_tries Number of tries It gives the number of times the message is resent Integer
9 Retry_time_gap Retry time gap The time gap between retry Integer
10. From_id From address The senders address character
11. Contact1 To address1 Is the address on which the alert is to be sent character
12. Contact2 To address2 Gives the alternate address of the customer character
13. Attachment Attachment no. Used to add an attachment Integer
14. Morning_alert   Is used for sending alerts every morning Varchar
15. Counter1   Tells whether the alert has been sent or not Integer
16. Counter2   Tells whether the alert has already been sent or not Integer
17. Counter3   Tells that the alert has been picked up for sending Integer



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