The Hosting of LPS Moodle
With regard to hosting two methods were considered for the
LPS Moodle project, these being a local web server located
at the school and hosting remotely via a web hosting provider.
Although either of these methods would have been suitable
for the project, the final decision was to host remotely via
a web hosting provider. This method was chosen due to the
facts that LPS school does not already run a web server and
the technical staff with their current responsibilities would
be unable to maintain a secure web server should one be installed
at the school.
Matching Existing Systems
The general look and feel of a Moodle environment is dictated
by its theme. The theme is made up off a collection of files
that together govern the colours, gradients, text decorations
and other effects within the environment. To match the LPS
Moodle environment with the existing LPS school website, it
was necessary to create a theme that used the same colour
palette, fonts and text decoration effects. Via investigation
of the school’s existing website and significant modification
of an existing Moodle theme, a theme was created that was
both functional and similar to the existing LPS website for
use within the environment.