Login instructions should be given on the homepage.
Prior to the discovery of the login problem, simple instructions
were provided on login screen. After the discovery of this
problem, these instructions were improved to include details
of the problem and the solution.
The system should use existing usernames and passwords.
Users were entered into the system using a comma separated
file generated by the schools active directory server. This
file contained the existing usernames and password.
The system should not allow students or teachers to change
their passwords.
Via extensive modification, the ability to change passwords
has been limited to administrators.
The system should be reliable.
Although the current system is usable and is indeed being
used, there is a possibility that if and when the system is
rolled out to more subjects and users across the school the
database connectivity issue found during use of the chat functionality
will surface during usage of the main system. The solution
to this issue would be to either change the hosting of the
system to a host that specifies Moodle support as one of their
services at a significantly greater cost or to run the system
from an internal web server within LPS School with a significantly
greater workload for the technical staff.
The system should be secure due to the sensitive nature
of the stored information.
By hosting via an external company, the system is somewhat
dependant on their security. To counter this unknown, no information
deemed sensitive has been included into the system. This includes
personal photos, address and telephone numbers.
The system should be accessible via the existing school
The existing school website should be accessible via the system.
A link to the system has been added to the existing school
website and a link to the website has been included in the