CS-01 Computer Fundamentals

Hints For Revision

Block II

Instruction set – It is a collection of all the instructions that a CPU can execute.

Elements of an instruction

  • An opcode, which specifies the operation to be performed.
  • A reference to the operands which may store the results of data processing operation by the instruction.
  • A reference to the operands on which data processing is to be performed.
  • A reference for the next instruction, to be fetched and executed.

Types of instructions

  • Data Processing Instructions
  • Data Storage/Retrieval Instructions
  • Data Movement Instructions
  • Control Instructions
  • Miscellaneous Instructions

Operand Data Types – These data types specify the type of data on which a particular operation is to be performed. These are addresses, numbers, characters and logical data.

Types of operation

  • Data Transfer operations
  • Arithmetic operations
  • Logical and Shift operations
  • Conversion operations
  • Input/output operations
  • System control operations
  • Transfer of control operations

Subroutine call

Addressing schemes - It refers to the mechanism employed for specifying operands.

Types of addressing schemes

  • Immediate addressing
  • Direct Addressing
  • Indirect Addressing
  • Register Addressing
  • Register Indirect Addressing
  • Displacement Addressing
  • Stack Addressing Scheme

Some common registers

  • Accumulator (AC)
  • Data Register (DR)
  • Program Counter (PC)
  • Instruction Register (IR)
  • Memory Address Register (MAR)

Micro-operations - It is an action performed by a machine on the data stored in the registers. There are four types of micro-operations:

  • Register transfer micro-operations
  • Arithmetic micro-operations
  • Logic micro-operations
  • Shift micro-operations

Arithmetic Processors, Peripheral Processor and Coprocessors

Wilkes Control - In Wilkes design, a microinstruction has two major components:

  • Control field
  • Address field

Microinstruction – It is an instruction of a microprogram.

Types of microinstructions – Branching and non-branching

Microinstruction formats – Horizontal microinstruction and vertical microinstruction

Microinstruction Sequencing

Block III

CPU Registers

  • Segment Registers
  • Pointer and Index Registers
  • Special Registers
  • Flags Registers

Addressing Modes

  1. Register
  2. Immediate
  3. Memory

Input/Output Services - Interrupts

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