CS-01 Computer Fundamentals

Hints For Revision

Block I

Error detection and Correction codes.


Multiple Interrupts

Boolean Algebra – Set of algebraic rules, named after mathematician George Boole, in which TRUE and FALSE are equated to 0 and 1.

Logic Gate – In electronics, one of the basic components used in building integrated circuits.

Representation of Logic Gates

  • Graphical symbols
  • Algebraic notation
  • Truth tables

Types of Gates: AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR and XOR

Combinational circuits – These are interconnected circuits. It produces an output depending on its input.

Karnaugh Map – It is a convenient way of representing and simplifying Boolean function of 4 to 6 variables.

Multiplexer – It is a device that allows a transmission medium to carry a number of separate signals at the same time - enabling, for example, several telephone conversations to be carried by one telephone line, and radio signals to be transmitted in stereo.

Decoder – In computing, an electronic circuit used to select one of several possible data pathways.

Sequential circuits – These are logic circuits whose present output depends on the past inputs.

Types of sequential circuits - Synchronous and Asynchronous

Flip–Flop – It is a binary cell that can store a bit of information.

Types of flip–flop - R–S flip–flop, D flip–flop and J K flip–flop


  • 4 bit ripple counter
  • 3 bit synchronous counter

Bus Arbitration

Chip Organisation - 2D and 2 1/2D organisation.

Head Mechanism

  • Contact
  • Fixed gap
  • Aerodynamic gap (Winchester)

High speed memories

  • Interleaved Memories
  • Cache Memory: Direct Mapping, Associative Mapping and Set Associative Mapping
  • Associative Memories

Input/ Output techniques

  • Interrupt Driven Input/Output
  • Direct Memory Access (DMA)

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