CS-01 Computer Fundamentals- Sample Papers

MCA (I Yr.) - Term-End Examination

Note : Time: 3 hours
There are six questions in this paper. Question number 1 is compulsory and carries 30 marks. Answer any three from the rest.

Sample Paper

Question 1
(a) Simplify the following Boolean function in SOP form by means of four variables Karnaugh map. Also draw the logic diagram for this function. (5)

F (A, B, C, D) = (0, 2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15)

(b) what is the need of having many addressing modes in a machine. Explain the displacement addressing modes and their application. (5)

(c) What is the need of master slave flip-flop? (5)

(d) Explain the working principle of a master slave flip-flop with the help of a logic diagram. (5)

(e) Write a program in 8086 assembly to check whether two strings are of equal length. (10)

Question 2

(a) Draw a logic circuit for an associative memory cell. (5)
(b) Show that NOR is functionality complete set of gates. (5)
(c) Design a 3 bit synchronous counter. (5)

Question 3

(a) What are the steps involved while writing an interrupt service routine for 8086 microprocessor? How do you make a memory resident program in 8086 microprocessor? (10)
(b) Write a program to convert all upper case letters to lowercase. (5)

Question 4

(a) Compare and contrast the characteristics of interrupt driven I/O controllers to that of direct memory access controllers. (5)
(b) What is the need of an I/O Processor? (5)
(c) Distinguish between Daisy chaining arbitration and independent request arbitration? (5)

Question 5

(a) Find out the range of a number for the following floating point representation: (5)

Base <--- 2
Sign <--- 1 bit
Exponent <--- 4 bits. Bias of 8 is used
Significant <--- 3 bits

Assume the normalized mantissa representation

(b) What are the advantages of data flow computers? (5)

(c) What is an array processor? How do you implement pipelining in array processors? (5)

Question 6
Compare and contrast: (15)

  1. Static RAM versus Dynamic RAM
  2. Flash Memory versus EEPROMs
  3. Memory Interleaving versus Memory having multi-port
  4. Various types of chip organisation.
  5. Horizontal versus Vertical micro-instruction.

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